Mit dem Taycan startet Porsche ins Elektrozeitalter.
Und auch Burmester weiß zu elektrisieren.
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Burmester 3D High-End Surround Sound System
The Burmester 3D High-End Surround Sound System can bring out the full dynamic potential of its 1,455 watts in the lightning-fast but quiet e-sports car. All of this is distributed over a total membrane surface of more than 2,500 cm². With its 21 speakers, it generates a three-dimensional sound panorama from all mono, stereo and multi-channel sources thanks to Auro-3D® with Auro-Matic processing, which lives up to the claim of being a “concert hall on wheels” in every way. The use of high-quality components enables exceptional resolution, fine detail and substantial sound down to the lowest pitches – an experience that is otherwise only available with high-end systems in the living room.
For this purpose, torsion-resistant die-cast baskets are used in the low and mid-range, as well as featherlight ribbon diaphragms in the high-frequency range (so-called Air Motion Transformer).
Via sound presets, the user can adjust the playback characteristics of the Burmester 3D High-End Surround Sound System from tonal balance and room imaging to his individual taste. Independently of this, the Sound Conditioner uses a microphone to fine-tune the sound in real time to the respective driving situation in order to achieve optimum performance at all times. In order to achieve improved playback and thus real listening pleasure with compressed music data, the system has a special sound enhancer for processing reduced data material.
An eye for details.
Impressions of Burmester systems in Porsche.